Upcoming Events

The Bhutan Society organises several events each year, in London and elsewhere, for Society members.

The next in-person event is:

19 September 2024, 7:30 pm

Conservation of tigers and snow leopards in Bhutan and the surrounding region: Professor Philip Riordan

The Polish Hearth Club, 55 Princes Gate, London SW7 2PN

Professor Philip Riordan is the Director of Conservation at Marwell Wildlife Zoo, visiting Professor at the University od Sothhampton and Research Associate at the University of Oxford. He is also a member of the IUCN/CCS Cat Specialist Group which contributes to the assessment of wild snow leopard and tigers populations for the IUCN Red List and provides information that will help the governments of countries where they roam, in their decision making and policy development. This helps to promote cooperation between neighbouring counties so that conservation efforts work, like the animals themselves, across country borders.

Refreshments will be available before and after the talk.

This meeting will be an in-person meeting held jointly with the Royal Society of Asian Affairs and the Nepal Society of the UK.

Doors open at 6pm and the talk will start at 6:30

Annual Reception : Please mark your diaries for Friday 15th November

The Society’s Annual Reception this year will be at the COMO Halkin Hotel on the evening of 15 November.

We are sure that members and their guests will again wish to come together for this convivial gathering to meet friends and make some more. We will have the main reception space at this charming hotel, close to Hyde Park Corner. Tasty canapes and small bowls of a variety of dishes will be served through the evening.

Aum Tshoki Choden, Bhutan’s ambassador to the European Union, is to join us together with members of her team in Brussels. Bhutanese student honorary members of the Society are also expected and will add greatly to the occasion

Please come and enjoy the company

Details, along with a booking form, are included in the current edition of the Newsletter